Hammer And Egg

The Mechanisms that our brain uses to fill in the blanks are made up of complex, cognitive processes. What collection of experiences and different reference systems have we gatheres so that they can quickly form our answers and decisions? How accurate is our internal autopilot? And what does that mean if we are talking about issues like propaganda, populism, fake news and discrimination? How big is the gap between assumptions and perceived truths and facts and research?

What I did:

  • Collaborating on the concept and route of the walk

  • Recoding and editing the voice

  • Binaural field recording

  • Designing music, soundscapes and sound effects in 3D Audio

  • 08.06. - 10.06.23 Media Futures Demo-Days in Hamburg in the Design Zentrum Hamburg

    The walk is permanently available in the Storydive App

  • artistic director: Lenja Busch, Milena Wichert

    sounddesign: Rupert Jaud

    voice actress: Sophia Hussain

    technology partner: Storydive

  • HELLA LUX worked together with Storydive. They were a part of the EU funded Media Futures program – an initiative that facilitates collaborations between tech-Start-ups and artists. The premier was in the context of the Media Futures Demo-Days.

About the sound design:

Hammer & Egg is conceived as a Site-Specific Audio Game. The sound design is consistently produced in 3D audio, enabling deep immersion into the world of Hammer & Egg. The entire walk is underpinned by binaural ambience recordings along the route, blurring the boundaries between real and augmented auditory environments. Music and soundscapes establish a cohesive atmosphere, reinforce the content structure, and actively engage players, serving as a "Call to Action." The game's character is supported by numerous sound effects (such as item collection, level claiming, data upload, etc.) and is stylistically reminiscent of the 8-bit chiptune sound found in classic computer games.


Lügen und Beine


Alfred Walchli Soundwalk