Street without Memoires

What remains of a street that has been erased from the cityscape? How can it be remembered? In 2023, the media art and performance collective LIGNA explored this question in an audio installation in the former Judengasse (Jewish Ghetto). In collaboration with the architect Marc Grellert, LIGNA has now developed a VR panorama that visually and acoustically explores Judengasse in 1861. The immersive environment opens up new forms of memory, in which the supposed reality is haunted by voices and text fragments. The walk through the visual reconstruction is accompanied by excerpts from Siegfried Kracauer’s text “Memory of a Paris Street” (1930) and “Geschichte der Judengasse” (1906) by his uncle Isidor Kracauer.

Rupert Jaud - Sound Design_Straße ohne Erinnerung

What I did:

  • Designing soundscapes and sound effects in 3D Audio

  • 1.-24. März 2024, Haus Goldener Apfel, An der Staufenmauer 11 as part of the MetaHub-Festival

  • Text, directing, production: LIGNA

    voice acting: Stephan Wolf-Schönburg

    Sound design: Rupert Jaud

    VR-panoramas: Mark Grellert

  • "METAhub Frankfurt – Museums, Education, Theatre, Arts – Kultur im digitalen und städtischen Raum" is a cooperative project of the Jüdisches Museum Frankfurt, the Archäologisches Museum Frankfurt, and the Künstlerhaus Mousonturm in partnership with the NODE Verein zur Förderung Digitaler Kultur e.V., supported by the Kultur Digital program of the Kulturstiftung des Bundes, the Kulturfonds Frankfurt RheinMain, as well as funds from the Dezernat für Kultur und Wissenschaft der Stadt Frankfurt am Main.


When We Grow Old


Muskeln mit 3 Frauen