Muskeln mit 3 Frauen

Muskeln mit 3 Frauen invites the audience to a video game installation.

The audience enters the animated worlds of three women who couldn't be more different: a heroine, a monster and Evelyn. Each of them has her own movements and needs. The three women, their respective worlds and the audience are interlinked, interacting at various stations using unusual joysticks and sensors. They move together in rock and office landscapes with the help of balance, untraceable strings and soft eggs. Every evening, the audience can try anew to control the destinies of the three women - even without any knowledge of computer games.

What I did:

  • Dialog recoding & editing

  • Foley recoding & editing

  • SFX design 

  • Designing procedural soundscapes

  • Audio implementation in Unreal Engine 5

  • 01. - 07.12.24 Künstler:innenhaus Mousonturm, Frankfurt a. M.

  • Artistic Director, junior 3D artist and texts || Caroline Creutzburg

Lead Technical Artist und Game Development || Todor Stoyanov 

    Special Defect Department Game Controller Design || Stine Hertel 

    Spacial Design || Wagehe Raufi 

    Sound Design || Rupert Jaud

    Voice Actress || Cornelia Niemann

    Voice Actress || Barbare Englert

    Dramaturgy || Jeanne J. Eschert

    Technical Director || Merthe Wulf 

    Artistic Production Management || Nora Schneider

    Production Assistant and Communication Concept || Nikolas Stäudte 

    Coordination Accessibility || Alina Buschmann

Coordination Public Relations || Christopher Krause

Graphic Design || Manuel Tayarani 

    Intern Technical Art und Game Testing || Roi Stoyanov 

    Outside Eye || René Alejandro Huari Mateus

    Outside Eye and Translation || Clara Reiner

    Inspiration monsterin:
 Tilman Aumüller (The Club of What If), Nola Fischer, René Alejandro Huari Mateus, Deniz Kilicarslan und Clara Reiner“

    Special Thanks to:
 Ines Dautel, Martin Dörr, Olaf Dreyer, Merlin Flügel, Clemens Gäfgen, Panama, Natascha Retschy, Jan-Philipp Stange, Rotterdam Presenta, Hagen Bonifer & die Mousonturm Werkstatt

  • Muskeln mit 3 Frauen is a production by Caroline Creutzburg in co-production with Künstler*innenhaus Mousonturm Frankfurt. Supported by the Cultural Office of the City of Frankfurt am Main, the Fonds Darstellende Künste with funds from the Federal Government Commissioner for Culture and the Media as part of NEUSTART KULTUR, Hessen Film und Medien GmbH, the Aventis Foundation as part of experimente#digital and the Maecenia Foundation. Kindly supported by Zed Up Gaming PCs.


Straße ohne Erinnerung


Unconscious songs