Garten der Träume

Equipped with headphones and a smartphone, visitors become dreamwalkers as they stroll up Neumarkt in Zurich towards Hirschengraben. They are accompanied by two voices narrating their dreams. And as they narrate, these dreams transform into auditory landscapes flooding the Neumarkt, unsettling the experience of the old-town evening tranquility.

Once they reach the Rechberggarten, they are released by the voice, and the walkers immerse themselves in waves of others' dreams. They let themselves drift, carried from voice to voice, falling into a pit full of lions, escaping into a diving vacation to Stockholm, or finding themselves back in their grandmother's house. A polyphony of images intertwines. The dreams influence and overwrite each other, assembling anew. A different, expanded, dreamlike reality of voices, narratives, and sounds envelops the garden - A listening garden of dreams.

What I did:

  • Idea and Concept

  • Recording and editing the ‘Host’ Voices

  • Collecting and editing dreams

  • Designing 3D Audio soundscapes

  • Implementing sound assets in the audio game engine ‘Real wold Audio’

  • 29.11.2019 Theater Neumark in Zürich as part of the symposium Agent:Traum Traum:Agent

  • Idea, Concept and production: Rupert Jaud

    Hosts: Fred Schmidt-Colinet & Asja Maghoub,

    Dreamers: Felicitas Andel, Coralie Baier, Christina Baron, Johannes van Bebber, Kira Bohn, Kia Böck, Elke Dillmann, Oscar van Hoogevest, Korbinian Jaud, Andi Knopp, Tizian Pohlmann, Eva Reitberger, Nicole Resnik, Anne Rosenberger, Bettina Rychener, Jörg Schwahlen, Malte Scholz, Oriana Schrage.

    Poster: Claudia Lehner

  • A walk commissioned by the Psychoanalytic Seminar Zurich on the occasion of the Symposium Agent: Dream Dream: Agent at the Neumark Theater in Zurich on November 29, 2019.

About the sound design

Based on the psychoanalytic thesis that dreams continually write themselves associatively, transforming and never coming to a standstill, the dreams in Rechberggarten in Zurich are located as disembodied voices. As visitors stroll through the garden from one dream narrative to the next, the stories influence each other, weaving associatively into new, individual dream images.

Using the AudioGameEngine RWA Creator developed by Thomas Resch for implementing Augmented Audio Reality, virtual, location-stable sound sources are placed in the park. To first introduce visitors to the theme and gradually acquaint them with the technical effect, the walk begins with a podcast sequence: Two hosts share dream experiences with each other and the audience, guiding the walkers to Rechberggarten, where they are immersed in a dreamlike tapestry of voices and soundscapes.


Flintridge - der Mensch erscheint im Holodeck

